WITH DR. JOE > > > > >
Read it
I don't believe it is an overstatement to affirm that reading in general is now among the least desirous ways to glean and garner information, much less a premiere way to be entertained. By multiple metrics one can discern what Jacques Ellul referred to as "the humiliation of the word." I have literally lost count of all of the books I have ingested over the years and would love to bring them to my brothers and sisters in Christ that tend to disdain depth reading.
It takes an average reader about 16-20 hours to read a 300 page manuscript and even longer when it requires comprehension and is considered relevant existentially. So I have provided here books from which I have personally benefited that are summarized into about one hour or so in length. The hope is that you will eventually read the entire work or minimally know which book has the information you desire. This way the listener can get the highlights of the book in just, say, two jogging sessions at the gym. I pray you enjoy these summaries.
Meaning of Marriage
The 5 Love Languages